It’s an election year, so Democrats will ramp their virtue-signal endlessly about the fate of migrants who cross our borders. Don’t fall for the ploy. Consider these questions:
Why do those on the Left display outrage at every turn over the potential for foreign interference in our elections but are comfortable allowing non-citizens among us to vote in our elections?
And How Does This Occur
How do thousands of migrants, who travel hundreds or thousands of miles along treacherous roads to reach our borders, appear to be well-fed, fully hydrated, in excellent spirits, and ready to climb walls? How, exactly, is all of this possible?
Many of the same migrants, who, apparently, have abandoned what is otherwise considered to be impoverished situations, arrive with expensive smartphones, walking boots, backpacks, and a variety of other gear and accoutrements that represent a visible contradiction to their reasons for departing at all. Who is paying for the trek? From where does the support come?
Politicians on the Left, movie stars, and legions of other virtue-signalers rant about what a terrible place the United States is. Concurrently, each and every day, massive waves of people attempt to enter this awful country.
Obama’s Cages, Not Trump’s
Why do pictures of children in chain-linked compartments, which the media refer to as cages, who sleep on cushions atop a concrete floor, all stemmed from the Obama Administration, but were attributed to the Trump Administration?
Do you surmise that the children who came from terrible conditions are happy to be sleeping in an air-conditioned building, with adequate food, water, bathrooms, and medical attention? In the face of their ability to watch cartoons and play games with one another, do you suppose that their plight is disastrous? Even at a young age, these children sense that they are in a country that is special.
All the screams about migrant conditions were conveniently ignored from 2009 to 2016 –- before Trump –- when conditions were worse, the policies were more stringent, more people died during the trek, and more families were separated. Did the ‘woke’ crowd care then? Did the protesters and rioters care then? If not, why not?
Clinton’s Initiative, Recast
Bill Clinton signed into law the now-controversial policy that would separate children from their parents, and it was Barack Obama who vigorously enforced that law. As a result of the policies of his predecessors, Donald Trump inherited a bad situation and made dramatic, positive steps, to find a solution to this decades-long problem. Did the mainstream media inform you of those realities? Or, are you happy to dwell in the mainstream media bubble, where news is manufactured, slanted, and contorted every day to fit an agenda?
Biden undid virtually all the safeguards that Trump put into place. Curiously, why such an uproar about immigrants and children in 2017 to 2020, but not from 2009 to 2016, or from 2021 to the present?
There is only one reason why the Left feigns concern for illegals today: 80% or more of the immigrants to this country, if they become part of the voting process, initially vote Democrat. If 80% or more initially voted Republican, the Democrats’ concerns for immigrants would stop on a dime.
Democrats realize that unless they undertake major recruitment to re-supply their diminishing ranks, they might no longer win presidential elections. They are desperate to import new voters, indoctrinate the young, scare the old, and even impoverish the middle class. Their aim is to drum up enough fear about the opposition to induce people to vote for their disastrous policies and their socialist politicians.
The Country Be Damned
Without hesitation, Democrats will drive a wedge between young and old, rich and poor, black and white, and indeed promulgate any demographic rift that they can to preserve voters. As huge numbers of African Americans and Hispanics begin to favor Donald Trump in the coming election, the mainstream media (the promotional arm of the Democrat Party) will conjure up more stories about prejudice, racism, and xenophobia all attributed to their opponents.
When Democrats, the party hoaxes, cannot keep their hoaxes at the forefront, they turn to another and another. Their prevailing hoax from 2021 to 2023 was that there was no crisis at the border. Quickly switching gears in 2024, the Democrats now blame Republicans for the invasion of the last three years.
Yeah right.